With over 100 years in the dredging business, Dutra Dredging operates nationally, not only in the East, Gulf and West Coast regions, but also in the nation’s inland waterways. Employing the latest technologies and operating under comprehensive regulatory oversight, Dutra Dredging performs essential environmentally conscious dredging for both public and private sector clients.
capacity, capability & character

Clamshell Dredging
This is the proven method for deep-water or hard-material maintenance and deepening work.

Trailing Suction Hopper Dredging
With its bottom-dump or pump-ashore capability, this is the preferred method for dredging long and wide waterways.

Cutter Suction Dredging
Using a rotating head to cut through rock, cutter suction dredging can dredge hard material and dispose of it either via pipeline or hopper barge.
reuse & placement
Dutra’s breadth of projects and staff of highly experienced engineers enable it to outpace the competition with a broad range of cost-effective removal and disposal options:
Beach & Dune Nourishment
Fortifying and preserving our investment in coastal resilience.
Open Water Disposal
The lowest-cost option that’s environmentally acceptable.
Wetland & Marsh Creation
Creating habitat for living things that depend on wetlands.
Land Creation & Fill Placement
A valuable use of a resource that might otherwise be lost.
Strategic Nearshore Placement
A great way to help strengthen and preserve our coasts.
Environmental Remediation
An investment in environmental responsibility and stewardship.

Chevron Terminal Dredging
Chevron seeks 10-year permit to dredge 1.5M cubic yards from Richmond Long Wharf to maintain commercial ship access.

Port of Oakland Maintenance Dredging
Port of Oakland maintenance dredging of 6 berths, disposing 1.5M+ cubic yards at Montezuma to repair docks and facilities.

Sacramento DWSC
Annual maintenance dredging of Sacramento Deep Water Ship Channel to -30ft, disposing 1M+ cubic yards at upland sites.

Mobile Harbor Deepening Phase 4
Mobile Harbor Phase 4 deepened and widened Middle Bay Channel, with dredging and environmental protection measures.

Norfolk Harbor
Norfolk Harbor channels deepened to -59ft for larger ships, with dredged material placed at DNODS.

Brevard Mid and South Reach
Brevard County beach renourishment restored 12 miles of shoreline using beach-quality material.

Pittsburg Basin 3
Pittsburg Marina maintenance dredging of 457K cubic yards to restore navigational depths.

Red Hook Flats Anchorage
Red Hook Flats Anchorage dredged to -35/-40/-45ft, removing 500K cy of silt/clay for disposal at HARS site.