Harry Stewart

Harry Stewart is The Dutra Group’s President and Chief Executive Officer. Prior to this role, Harry was Chief Operating Officer and President of each of its operating divisions: Dutra Dredging, Dutra Construction and Dutra Materials, now operated as San Rafael Rock Quarry, Inc.
Harry earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Davis, and is a Registered Professional Engineer, licensed in California.
After doing geotechnical engineering work for a variety of projects in Northern California, Harry joined The Dutra Group in 1983. Since then, he has worked in project engineering, estimating, project management, plant management and general management — virtually all of the significant responsibilities typical of a mining/dredging/marine construction company.
Many of Harry’s accomplishments have occurred in conjunction with projects for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, including work with the Corps’ San Francisco, Sacramento, Seattle, Anchorage, Hawaii, Los Angeles, Mobile, Jacksonville, Wilmington and New York Districts.
From 1994 through 1997, Harry directed the San Francisco District’s Port of Oakland 42-foot deepening project. From 2007 through 2011 he directed its 50-foot deepening project. In 2006–2007, Harry directed the Sacramento District’s Sacramento River Emergency Levee Program.
More recent projects for which Harry has been responsible include the West Marina Harbor and Brannon Street Wharf projects on San Francisco’s waterfront, and tsunami salvage in one of California’s most northerly coastal communities with the rescue and repair of the Crescent City Harbor Inner Boat Basin.
Harry played an active role in Dutra’s 2012 acquisition of the hopper dredge Stuyvesant and has been central to implementing business development and operational strategies for the vessel.
Married with young daughters, Harry enjoys exercise, golf and family.