
Dredging Projects

Marine Construction

Delta Division

Legacy Projects

Alternative Procurement

Chevron Terminal Dredging
Chevron seeks 10-year permit to dredge 1.5M cubic yards from Richmond Long Wharf to maintain commercial ship access.

Port of Oakland Maintenance Dredging
Port of Oakland maintenance dredging of 6 berths, disposing 1.5M+ cubic yards at Montezuma to repair docks and facilities.

Sacramento DWSC
Annual maintenance dredging of Sacramento Deep Water Ship Channel to -30ft, disposing 1M+ cubic yards at upland sites.

Mobile Harbor Deepening Phase 4
Mobile Harbor Phase 4 deepened and widened Middle Bay Channel, with dredging and environmental protection measures.

Norfolk Harbor
Norfolk Harbor channels deepened to -59ft for larger ships, with dredged material placed at DNODS.

Brevard Mid and South Reach
Brevard County beach renourishment restored 12 miles of shoreline using beach-quality material.

Pittsburg Basin 3
Pittsburg Marina maintenance dredging of 457K cubic yards to restore navigational depths.

Red Hook Flats Anchorage
Red Hook Flats Anchorage dredged to -35/-40/-45ft, removing 500K cy of silt/clay for disposal at HARS site.
Marine Construction

Marine Construction
Miller Sweeney
Carefully dismantled and disposed of the existing cable tower associated with the High Street Bridge.

Marine Construction
C&H Wharf Repairs
Repairs and rehabilitates wharf infrastructure at C&H Sugar facility in Crockett, CA over two phases in 2021 and 2023.

Marine Construction
Pier G
Expands container terminal wharf, demolishes, dredges, and adds infrastructure to accommodate larger ships.

Marine Construction
Bay Bridge Fenders
Repaired deteriorated fender system at Piers W3-W6, installing new chains, walers, and plastic lumber fenders.

Marine Construction
Phillips 66
Repaired MOTEMS-compliant concrete/steel piles, beams, columns, and slabs at Phillips 66 marine terminal in Rodeo, CA.

Marine Construction
Amports / Valero Dock Repair & Rebuild
Emergency removal and rebuild of fire-damaged dock structures, ensuring safe navigation and operations.

Marine Construction
Carnival Wharf H Improvements
Enhancing infrastructure for larger cruise ships with new moorings, catwalks, and a gangway tower.

Marine Construction
Montezuma Gates
Replaces old Montezuma Slough salinity gate with new one to address drought and rising sea levels.
Delta Division

Delta Division Materials
Crane Cove Park
Transforms Pier 70's waterfront, integrating historic structures, shoreline restoration, and public access for Dogpatch/Potrero.

Delta Division
Tule Red Tidal Restoration Ph #2
The Tule Red Project restores 2,100 acres of Delta wetlands and uplands to support native wildlife.

Delta Division
Winter Island
Establishes tidal connectivity and enhances the marsh's ecological function to benefit the broader ecosystem.

Delta Division
Ducks South Bay Salt Ponds
The South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project will transform 15,100 acres of salt ponds into tidal wetlands.

Delta Division
Dutch Slough
Restores 662 acres of marsh in Oakley, CA, involving levee work and 2 bridges for community use.

Delta Division Materials
BALMD Sac River Erosion Control
Controlling erosion, creating habitats, and reducing maintenance on Brannan Island's Sacramento River levees.

Delta Division Materials
ARCF Sacramento River Erosion Contract 2
Part of the Sacramento River Erosion Countermeasures, covering 3 miles of the 10-mile bank protection.

Delta Division
Staten N. Mokelumne River Multi Benefit
The Staten Island project rehabs 16,000 LF of levees, enhances 6,125 LF of waterside habitat, to meet PL 84-99 standards.

Delta Division
Richmond Terminal Wharf 4
The Terminal 4 project removes wharf, warehouse, and piles to restore the shoreline to a natural condition.
Alternative Procurement

Alternative Procurement
San Francisco Marina West Harbor
This renovation project involved demolishing the old wood docks, piles and gangways, and dredging to a depth of 12 feet.

Alternative Procurement
North Bay Operations and Maintenance
New ferry berths were designed and built to accommodate passenger service and maintenance activity.

Alternative Procurement
Brannan Andrus Levee Stability Berm
5,400 tons of drain rock placed as levee ballast to prevent slope slippage, hauling by truck from nearby marina.

Alternative Procurement
Alameda Marina Seawall Improvements
Designed Alameda Marina waterfront/seawall improvements, overcoming access, security, and tidal challenges.

Alternative Procurement
Sacramento River Revetment Restoration
This project placed rip-rap on levees and removed vegetation to stabilize banks, reduce erosion, and manage the river.

Legacy Project
Peyton Slough, California, Restoration
We capped toxic sediments and dredged a winding slough to keep poisons out of the Bay and create wildlife habitat.

Legacy Project
2004 Jones Tract Levee, California, Emergency Breach Repair
After a handshake deal with the governor, we plugged the breach with 200,000+ tons of rock, finishing 20 days early.

Legacy Project
Oakland, California, Harbor Navigation Improvements
We performed 50% of the work needed to deepen the federal channels of the Oakland Harbor and Port-maintained berths.

Legacy Project
Crescent City, California, Marina
We built a tsunami-resistant marina during just two “environmental windows” when in-water work was not restricted.

Legacy Project
Upper Newport Bay, California, Ecosystem Restoration Phases I & II
We restored the entire Upper Newport Bay Basin and minimized the need for future maintenance of sensitive habitat areas.

Legacy Project
Eden Landing – Tidal Restoration
To manage tidal wetlands, we restored 15,000 acres of former salt ponds at the San Francisco South Bay Pond.

Legacy Project
San Francisco Marina West Harbor Renovation
We demolished the old wood docks, piles and gangways, and dredged to a depth of 12 feet.

Legacy Project
Naval Base San Diego, California, Maintenance Dredging
We conducted maintenance dredging at piers, and processed dredged material containing irradiated objects and explosives.